Plot Summary (Fall_2022)

Born a prince into an ancient royal lineage, a teenage boy named Ejad has taken respite on one of his family’s royal islands, in an effort to get some distance from the pressures of his uncle’s military palace. But a recurring dream about a girl, a tower and a dragon eventually throws him into an exciting and testing adventure.

Following a magical butterfly, Ejad mistakenly activates an ancient stone temple on the top of the island, resulting in an immense storm, which sucks the boy deep below the island into a mysterious cave. Telepathic crystals that speak of a strange prophecy lead the boy to a mystical mermaid — who calls for his help in saving her people from a dark force that has enslaved her world.

Led by his eagle companion and guide, Ejad finds himself in a nearby seaport at the mouth of the Great River, where a fortune-teller speaks of the omens and signs that call him to the Great Metropolis to the south. Uncertain of how to get there, the boy wanders the shipyards, where he encounters a wise captain, who agrees to take the boy down the river to the great city.

Along his journey Ejad encounters terrifying obstacles, powerful allies, hidden demons, shapeshifting tricksters, wise teachers, and eventually the girl from his dreams — all who guide him to go within and listen to the wisdom in his heart, as the key to understanding his dream and unlocking his true identity and purpose. It is through his unceasing courage and determination to stand in his truth that the boy remembers his hidden powers, facing the menacing war-dragon and reuniting his tribe, to fulfill his destiny as the one prophesied to free the gifted ones and restore Syncopia, in the rising Age of the Seventh Sun.


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