All songs written, recorded, mixed and produced by Rick Nichols.



Day 1. The journey begins. We are called to let go, as we are brought into stillness, letting go of all we had been holding. We enter upon the precipice of an inner realm that awaits.


Day 2, track 2. We come upon a shoreline, an edge between two worlds. The rhythms of the natural world bring us into a deeper place of trance.


Day three. Going deeper within ~ into the sonic vibrations of water, breath, bowl and chimes … lead into a passionate Kalimba journey. Please enjoy!


Day 4, track 4. Djembe with chanting, over ambient synth. KEY of E minor. Third Chakra. Solar Plexus — Known as the ‘self power chakra’- one’s self-confidence, self-discipline and the ability to achieve goals. MAY YOUR OWN INTERNAL SENSE OF PERSONAL POWER ON A SOUL-LEVEL BE EXPANDED TODAY! Blessings and love. Rick


Day five. Peepers and crickets in the marsh take us into a heart-chakra guitar journey in F major. Enjoy! Rick


Day Six. From the swamp, we find refuge in the nurturing arms of a night-time forest of crickets at the river’s edge  … 5th chakra, throat … commitment and truth … MAY YOU STEP ANOTHER STEP ALONG THE WAY TO YOUR TRUTH AND YOUR EMERGING COMMITMENT TO SPEAKING AND LIVING THAT TRUTH.  Much love today. Rick


DAY SEVEN. The storms come, the rains fall … the 6th chakra 3rd eye opens to things we had not seen before … revelations and truths, some rather disturbing … the KALIMBA journey holds us to our hearts where we know that love triumphs, and where the illusions only rise up to be transmuted back to truth. All shall be well. Take care. Hold strong. Much love. Rick


Day eight. The darkness has passed. The morning sun rises over the coastal waves and busy birds. The crown upon the head opens within the 7th chakra, and the new light streams in. We have stayed strong. We have persevered. Remnants of darkness scatter and we surround all with our healing compassion and love. It is a new day as the guitar dances through the key of B, by the seashore. May you celebrate how far you’ve come today. Much love.


And NINE brings COMPLETION. It is complete. Acoustic guitar harmonics and Tibetan bowl intersect and dance. CLOSE YOUR EYES, THANK YOUR BREATH, AND LET GO. We step into our wholeness, knowing there is nothing missing. That we already have everything we need. We reclaim the gift that we’ve always known. MAY YOU OWN YOUR GIFT IN A NEW WAY TODAY, AND GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO BRING IT FORWARD IN A NEW WAY. We are the gifts of who we truly are. We are each magnificent beyond words. Rick

